Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Article: "Obama Ignores Credit Card Donation Fraud"

Before I give the link, I need to remind everybody about a few things.

First, if you've been reading this blog at all, you'll know that it remains an open question as to whether Barack Hussein Obama is even eligible to be the President. Seriously. All the man has to do is provide one peice of incontrovertable proof of his eligibility and this would be a moot point.

He hasn't. What he has done is file a counter-suit. Do you, perchance, have something to hide Mr Obama?

Next, we've all heard about the race-baiting antics of the Reverends Wright and Pfleger. Yet Mr Obama would tell you that he sat in that church for 20 years (by his own admission no less) and somehow never once heard such a race-baiting sermon. I find that hard to believe in the extreme, since everytime somebody questions "the one," we hear:

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACIST!" He certainly has playing the race card down pat, just as Hillary had no problem pulling out the gender card. To look at it from a statistical standpoint, that really stretches the bounds of credulity. It's not IMpossible, but it is extremely unlikely.

As if that's not enough, we do know that Project Vote and ACORN are closely tied. Indeed, until a recent investigation, Project Vote's board members just happened to be ACORN members (Google this, I don't have the link in front of me.) Seriously. Yet Mr Obama states they're separate entities. However, according to their Federal 990 Form, Project Vote still shares the same physical address as ACORN and their phone numbers remain identical. Why is this important? Three words: Voter Registration Fraud. Yes, ACORN is the same bunch that pressured that young Ohio man into registering an astonishing 72 times. Yes, they registered Mickey Mouse in Florida. And not to outdo themselves, they also registered the entire Dallas (TX) Mavericks starting lineup. There's just one problem there - that happened in Las Vegas.

And yet Mr Obama says he has no ties to either group. Yet we know that he was a memeber of ACORN according to Madeline Talbott (who was a member of ACORN) and we also know that he took over the helm of Chicago's Project Vote.

But wait - there's more! There's the Cult of Personality being formed around "the one." If you've read the blog, you'll have seen the Votive of Obama. Yes, Obama the "messiah." He certainly isn't mine.

Let's see, we're up to ... how many now? Four? FIVE if you include ACORN's involvement and Barack's lying about his membership with it.

And now, this comes at us:

The title? "Obama Ignores Credit Card Donation Fraud"

"What do Bart Simpson, Family Guy, Daffy Duck, King Kong, O.J. Simpson, and Raela Odinga have in common?

All are celebrities; and with the exception of Odinga and O.J. Simpson, they also are fictional characters. And yet, all of them gave money earlier this month to the campaign of Barack Obama, without any apparent effort by the campaign to screen them out as suspect donors."

Oops. I'd call that a problem.

" Campaigns are not required to disclose contributors who donate less than $200 — and Obama’s campaign refuses to release their names, addresses, and donation amounts. Obama has collected a staggering $603.2 million. Most of the money — $543.3 million — has come from individual contributors, half of it from “small” donors Obama won’t disclose.

The Obama campaign has turned a blind eye to the possibility of donor fraud."

It gets worse folks, a lot worse.

And then we come to the AOL Poll referenced in an earlier posting. They asked if Obama's policies amounted to socialism.

The answer, for the record, was yes. Overwhelmingly so.

I couldn't trust Obama if he laid his hand on the Christian Bible and gave an Oath. He's a politician. Worse, he's a politician that has no problem telling us to play by one set of rules while he plays by his own set - the set that says it's OK to break the law. "I'm doing it because I care. It's for the best."


(H/T: Michelle Malkin)

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