Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Charles Barkley was on Larry King Live

And I will give credit where credit is due. I can name only TWO people in the entirety of NBA history that I believe was better than "Sir Charles." His Wikipedia page says it all:

The man is, in my opinion, an NBA great. If fact, I'd go further and call him an NBA living legend. He was that good. He still is that good.

But then we come down to another part of the referenced page where he is quoted as saying this: "I'm serious. I've got to get people to realize that the government is full of it. Republicans and Democrats want to argue over stuff that's not important, like gay marriage or the war in Iraq or illegal immigration... When I run - if I run - we're going to talk about real issues like improving our schools, cleaning up our neighborhoods of drugs and crime and making Alabama a better place for all people.[56]"

Which I agree with. The Republicans and Democrats have, in my opinion, both lost their way. I've written this numerous times.

But then we get to Larry King Live where he said that the reason that people won't vote for Barack Obama is because of racism.

To which I say - ONE BLOODY MINUTE.

I've already told you that I would have no problem with an African-American being the President. But General Powell isn't running. Time to put that race card away. To the Hillary supporters who to this day still call me 'sexist,' I would have no problem with a woman being the President. Dr. Rice isn't running either. Time to put the gender card away.

And Mr Barkley, if you're going to be man enough to sit on the TV and call me names, you should at least be man enough to come out here and say it to my face.

You, Sir, do not know what is in my heart nor what's in my mind. You and I have never met. I wouldn't know you from Dago or Adam. You don't know what's in my heart and I don't know what's in yours.

Do NOT call me names. Don't pin a label on me when you've never spoken with me and know next to nothing about me.

It really is that simple.

Think you can do that?

I'm waiting.

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