Where, pray tell, does that banner on Drudge Report go? Right here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iivL4c_3pck
Now let's look at Mr Obama saying he's going to give people tax cuts. He can't do it. Why? Because of all of the spending that they're going to be doing on their nanny state, taxes would have to go up. They'd simply have to.
The money would have to come from somewhere, right? Where would it come from?
T A X E S. Remember, they can't just simply print more. It'd be nice, but you can't do that. If you do print a lot of new money to pay for socialist policies, the value of each individual dollar would go down. There's even a term for that: Hyperinflation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflation (and the caption under the photograph to the right is chilling (no pun intended.) "1923 Weimar Republic inflation: A German woman feeding a stove with Papiermarks, which burned longer than the amount of firewood people could buy with them."
I'm now going to do a cut-and-paste from that article, leaving their (Wikipedia's) hyperlinks intact. "Although there is a great deal of debate about the root causes of hyperinflation, it becomes visible when there is an unchecked increase in the money supply or drastic debasement of coinage, and is often associated with wars (or their aftermath), economic depressions, and political or social upheavals."
Although that paragraph is important, it is the last four words that we're interested in. The article states it (hyperinflation) "...is often associated with wars ... and political or social upheavals." (emphasis mine)
If we do make the mistake of electing Barack Obama, you can bet that our nation would go Socialist. And that is both a political and a social upheaval.
And now, let's go right back to that now "infamous" (if you're Barack Hussein Obama) YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQXcImQfubM
The question asked of Mr Biden was "Getting back to the spreading of the wealth question: What do you say to the people who are concerned that Barack Obama will want to turn America into a Socialist country, much like Sweden?" - Ms. Barabara West.
And that clueless man's answer: (Remember, she had said earlier that 84% of people polled had said that the gov't should have other priorities instead of spreading the wealth around) But here's what Mr Biden said: "I don't know anybody who thinks that, except the far-right wing of the Republican Party."
Well, Joe Biden - now you do.
But there's more. Michelle Malkin had this to say about it (the YouTube video mentioned by the banner on Drudge Report: http://michellemalkin.com/2008/10/26/obama-in-2001-how-to-bring-about-redistributive-change/
I won't quote from her entire article, but I will quote the last three sentences and leave her hyperlinks intact:
"Yeah, and don’t you dare ask Obama or Biden about this.
You’ll get blacklisted and bombarded and labeled “combative.”
And who knows what’ll happen to your government records. "
Her first question, I believe, is a reference to Ms. West's questioning of Mr Biden. The second is the Obamessiah campaign's "handling" of the situation ... where the station won't get another interview of "the one" or Mr Biden. And the third has to do with Joe the Plumber ... how his information was pulled using a "test account" assigned to the IT department of the Ohio Attorney General's Office!!
No shenanigans here. Move along, please.
(H/T: Michelle Malkin, Drudge Report, Wikipedia)
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