Sunday, October 19, 2008

MORE Voter Fraud???

I had to put question marks there for the simple reason that we're really not sure if fraud's been committed or not. First, a link:

Hang on...yes, it's the Toledo Blade. But it is a newspaper (actually!) that has a website. So they are a legitimate news service. And while a great many people wouldn't touch that particular paper with a 30-foot pole, well ... they are a legitimate news service.

"The Lucas County Board of Elections yesterday denied a challenge to 105 registered voters whose addresses are listed as "One Government Center."

Assistant County Prosecutor John Borell said the voters were all registered as overseas voters, who used One Government Center - the board of elections' address - rather than their last address in Ohio.

Even though some of them haven't lived in Ohio "...for decades," according to the article.

Decades. Each decade, you'll remember, is 10 years. Decades.

"The Lucas County Board of Elections denied the challenge during a special meeting yesterday morning at 9 a.m. Mr. Borell said that a formal hearing was not required, and Board of Elections Chairman Pat Kriner did not allow Kelly Bensman, who submitted the challenges, to speak during the meeting."

And then, just to make their point, they didn't allow the person who submitted the challenge, to speak.

Stiffling of dissent?

Wait....wait. What's the call I'm hearing in the background?


(H/T: Toledo Blade) (Yes, they ARE a legitmate news organization. Honestly)

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