Sunday, October 12, 2008

New York Post Op-Ed Article

Op-Ed, you'll remember, is short for Opinion-Editorial. As I've said several times now, this is one of the places (the Op-Ed section) to place your opinions. Personal blogs/journals are also great places to post your opinion (and editorialize!)

Which brings us to the New York Post's Op-Ed article. Here's the link:

Wow. "It was bound to happen, and so it has: Democrats and their allies are playing the race card.

Big time."

This comes back to other people calling me a racist because I don't support Obama. Again, I would have no problem with an African-American being President. General Colin Powell, however, isn't running. But that doesn't stop the cries of racism.

It's time to put that card down and concentrate on the facts. Please?

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